Pollock Fishing Brighton Marina

We regularly run Pollock Fishing Brighton Marina trips, the pinnacle to the start of the years wreck Fishing Trips, during the months of January to July, the Pollack arrives in huge schools chasing and gorging themselves on the large schools of sprats, that are found around the many wrecks off the Sussex coast
Pollock Fishing Day Trips Sussex
These large fish provide excellent sport on light tackle, ranging in size from 8 to 20+ lbs, as seen from the photographs there are good-sized fish to be landed. The Pollock species is usually caught on the drift using a winding action and once hooked will put up an incredible scrap. Starting with a powerful hit and a run, which will leave the angler feeling he has hooked a passenger lift descending to the seabed. It is not uncommon to have two or three anglers hooked into fish each drift so most of the time Pollock Fishing off Brighton is a great day out at sea
Shakespeare Ugly-strike rod of 15-20lbs and Penn Squall 3/0-4/0 reel with around 25-40lbs mono-filament mainline, with a 7-9in fixed boom (Delta clip pot) or a 7-9in slider or through boom or something of an equivalent choice. We use around 7-10 Oz weights and about 8-13 foot of 15-25lbs rig line to a lure
The Tackle for Pollock Fishing:
For Pollock Fishing the Jelly worms are a great choice on the slack parts of the tides and artificial lures work fantastically on the tide, but this is all a matter of opinion and personal preference