Bass Fishing Brighton Marina

Thinking about Bass Fishing Brighton, well this is a great place to start your Trip to catch Bass with some really big fish out there and on the wrecks both inshore and in the mid channel. Really considered the King of English Fishing you’ll find this versatile fish coming up with a host of differing Fishing methods from lures to bits on the surface on the bottom and mid-water with floats or not even on feathers
Bass Fishing Trips
Being one of the hardest fish to catch, they can be caught on live Mackerel, or sand eels and lures. Fishing them over the shallow water wrecks during the summer months or as well with plugs while trolling inshore near structures rocks and features around the coastal areas. Bass Fishing is an excellent sport and bass makes excellent eating
Tackle required:
Wreck fishing for Bass Fishing Trip you will need a 12 to 30 lbs class rod or uptider rod with 12 to 25 lbs main lines and a reel of trace line 15 to 25 lbs, plus ledger booms or fixed booms, red-gills or lures of the right colour 6/0 hooks and 3 to 6oz of weights. As for trolling we don’t really do it, but we could, you would be limited to about four people Fishing at any one time so no more than 6 anglers for this Trip as you Fishing trolling lines out the back of the boat with plugs
Bait required for Bass Fishing
Live Mackerel, sand eels, red-gills or plugs
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