About SeaBreeze3 Profile and Equipment List

Seabreeze3 12mt South Catamaran offering a super stable platform. As a boat charter we are ideally situated for fishing trips rapid response to the entire English Channel East or West or South and can operate up 60miles offshore. We are based in Brighton Marina on the south Coast which gives us full operational cover to the sea areas where we operate in the West or East
The twin hulls provide greater stability at sea than traditional mono hulls, this means that the boat does not roll around as much and with the huge deck space of 22ft x 16ft, it provides ample space for everyone to work in safety and comfort
The two 300hp John Deer turbo-charged diesel engines provide power to drive the boat at a top speed of 24 knots and a cruising speed of 18 knots with full load The charter boat is fitted with electric driver/probe recovery transom lift, cockpit seating/workbench, shelter seating for 12 people, heads, galley, sophisticated electronics etc. And AIS fully coded and insured to MCA Category 2 COP. Work boat certificate
Our team of highly experienced skipper and crew operate to the highest possible standard and are all holders of commercially endorsed Yacht Master Offshore licences by the RYA. Category 2 COP. Work boat certificate and is coded for 12 passenger and 3 crew. Total 15 persons

Availability: SeaBreeze3 ideal for all applications due to the diverse nature of her shelter area, accommodation and deck layout
• Wind Farm Work
• Rapid response
• Commercial Diving
• Survey and Rov Charter
• Standby Duties
• Guard Boat Duties
• Crew and Cargo Transfer
• Special Op’s
• Press and PR Photography
• Environmental Support
The boat is fitted with electric driver/probe recovery transom lift, cockpit seating/workbench, shelter seating for 12 people, heads, galley, sophisticated electronics etc. Fully coded and insured to MCA Category 2 COP. Work boat certificate
• Dimensions: 12m x 5.1m
• Year of Build: 2006
• Engines: 2 x John Deere 300hp
• Speed: 24 knots cruising speed of 18 knots
• Deck Area: 40 meters square
• DC Power 24V • AC Power 240V Invertors
• Licence: 12 Passengers, 3 Crew 2 Stern Doors 1 side Door
Seabreeze3 has professional skippers with expert local knowledge from Brighton Marina and can be made available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week