Brill Fishing Brighton Marina

Sussex Coast Brill Fishing Brighton Marina is the same as the Turbot Fishing trip. Catching our bait in the morning going the banks and finding the specimen, it surely has its perks. While not having to reel in lines all the time, is really liked by some of anglers, due to the fact we use bait on these day trips. It does makes it all the more enjoyable and more of a social experience, as you can rack your rod up making time for the anglers to enjoy the summer weather. We fish for these specimen of the deep during the mid to late summer months from about July through to September, making it a good time of year for Brill Fishing with friends and the family
Getting To The Marks and The Tackle
The Mark
We start the day with setting up the tackle for some bait on our way to the grounds, about 20 - 30 miles or so off Brighton Marina so it will be like travelling to the offshore deep sea ship wrecks. We stop to get some bait when found, using our sounder and get some mackerel or sand eel's, tide permitting. As for catching the bait we use daylight feather's and sabiki feather's 'the little one's'. Targeting fresh mackerel before we approach the grounds and sand eel with the sabiki's. They are normally around during the slack water periods of the day and retreat to the safety of the sand when the waters run!
The Tackle
A good rod and tackle set up for all you pro anglers out there, who will want to bring there own, will be from about 15 to 20 lbs rods and matching reels, fixed spool reels 6000 and up or multiplier reel 3/0 and up, although multipliers would do a better job, as the water is deeper on these banks and structured grounds! Braid mainlines 30-50lbs are better than nylon but if using nylon mainline 25-40lbs should do it, never going for any coloured line as this does not work as well as clear or green
The End Tackle
Using a sliding ledger boom rig for the end tackle with about 3-6 foot of 20lbs- 40lbs mainline to a single or Pennel rigged 6/0-7/0 bait-holder hook or a 4/0 Aberdeen or Forged variant is ideal, although we at Seabreeze3 opt for a fixed boom method (with a delta clip pot boom) as the bites are more evident when hit by fish. The mackerel bait is cut into long thin tails and presented natural as possible, while the live bait sand ells and lance are hooked mainly in the backs or in the mouths and bound mainly dependant upon the tide
All The Other Fish On Offer
There are other fish to be had on these spot's apart from Brill there are fantastic sized Turbot, Greater Weever (so watch your fingers), some big Plaice, Huss, Hound and an occasional Shark or Ray with some Ray getting well above 10lbs and a few decent sized Smooth Hound around the 7lbs and up mark. So you never know just what you could get, even a really good sized Tope, permitting you hook him just right and in the lip!
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