Cod Fishing Brighton Marina

Cod Fishing

The SeaBreeze3 Cod Fishing Brighton Marina must be the best known of all the Fishing Trips around the Sussex coast. When it comes to wreck Fishing, Cod are invariably the top target species. These large fish can be caught almost all year round at anchor or on the drift apart from a few months a year, using baits and artificial lures

South Coast Cod Fishing Day Trips Sussex

The best time of year for larger catches is during the months of (April until October 'the Summer season') when the fish congregate on the deep-water wrecks seeking a place of refuge. In the latter part of the year ('the Winter season') the fish move inshore and can be caught at anchor using baits, far easier than fishing at anchor in the summer

The Tackle:
Tackle setups vary due to different methods of fishing. Cod Fishing on the Sussex wrecks in the summer months, cod can be taken on artificial lures like red-gills, sidewinders, jelly worms, jelly-baits of various kinds using a similar setup to Pollock fishing. A special rig set-up for jigging which is a rig with a shorter rig line 4-5 foot to the lure is a great way to pick cod from the bottom or close to the wreck. They will also fall to bait intended for Ling and Conger when the 50 lbs. Class gear is used. If they are feeding they will take anything It is best to contact me direct if you intend booking a Cod Fishing Trip so that I might advise more fully into the tackle requirements

Bait required for Cod Fishing:
Cod will take all manner of baits both fish, cuttlefish and artificial lures. Feathers, perks muppets and possibly more will all catch Cod. Cuttlefish and squid are the primary baits when at anchor. Cod Fishing bait can be provided on board for a fee

  • Wreck Fishing Trips

    Wreck Fishing Trips

    Introducing our Wreck Fishing Trips, Brighton charged at £650 for weekdays or £750 at the weekends (for up to 10 angl…

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Our charter provides Boat Trips daily for Fishing, sight seeing and Pleasure Cruises on the Sussex coastline

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