Boat Booking (Pay Deposit) Brighton Marina

With Seabreeze3 you can make your Boat Booking and/or pay the Deposit Online, please choose an option from the drop down menu below. For more information or bookings with special requests contact us or call the Skipper on 07850 707572

  • Deposit


    Please select your booking Deposit (payment option) from the drop down menu below Alternatively you can use the 'Pay …

    Total/From ¥0

    from ¥0

  • Weekend Sea Fishing

    Weekend Sea Fishing

    Our Weekend Sea Fishing Brighton is £650 (for 10 anglers) The deposit required is £200 (You can request a date and pa…

    Total/From ¥93,618

    from ¥93,618

  • Wreck Fishing Trips

    Wreck Fishing Trips

    Introducing our Wreck Fishing Trips, Brighton charged at £650 for weekdays or £750 at the weekends (for up to 10 angl…

    Total/From ¥0

    from ¥0


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Our charter provides Boat Trips daily for Fishing, sight seeing and Pleasure Cruises on the Sussex coastline

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